Gina McKay Lodge has practiced paper conservation in Oberlin since 1983, alone and supervising various assistant paper conservators through all three decades. Through those years she has provided paper conservation for almost all of the fine arts museums in Ohio, many in all surrounding states and for museums as far south as Huntsville, Alabama.
She went into private practice with Robert Lodge in 1989, jointly forming McKay Lodge Fine Arts Conservation Laboratory, Inc., where she is Senior Paper Conservator.
Following her matriculation with a B.A. in Art History, Gina became a Helena Rubenstein Fellow in museum studies and then a curatorial assistant to curator Judith Goldman in the prints and drawings department, both at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. While there she was introduced to art conservation and then took a position as an assistant to the Whitney Museum’s conservator.
She continued work in paper conservation as an apprentice under the pioneering paper conservator Marilyn Kemp Weidner at the Conservation for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) in Philadelphia which Mrs Weidner had founded.
After obtaining her graduate degree in art conservation with a specialty in paper conservation from the Winterthur Museum/University of Delaware program, she accepted an offer of the position of Paper Conservator in 1983 at the Intermuseum Laboratory of the Intermuseum Conservation Association (ICA) in Oberlin, Ohio. At the Intermuseum Laboratory she held the duties of Acting Head of Paper Conservation for three years.
In her work Gina had become known for safely shepherding sensitive media through challenging conservation treatments yielding beneficial results.
Conservator of Art and Documents on Paper
1989 – Present, Senior Paper Conservator
McKay Lodge Fine Arts Conservation Laboratory, Inc.
10915 Pyle-South Amherst Road
Oberlin, Ohio 44074
September 2001 – Present, Member
Oberlin Conservation Associates, LLC
Human Resources for Art / Artifacts / Monuments / Fountains Preservation & Maintenance
5336 Meadow Lane
Sheffield, Ohio 44035
Sept. 1987-Nov. 1988, Paper Conservator
Intermuseum Laboratory
Intermuseum Conservation Association (ICA)
Oberlin College, Oberlin OH
Sept. 1984-Sept. 1987, Acting Head of Paper Conservation
Intermuseum Laboratory
Sept. 1983 – Sept. 1984, Paper Conservator
Intermuseum Laboratory
1979-1980, Paper Conservation Apprentice
Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)
Marilyn Weidner, Director
Philadelphia, PA
1977-1978 , Conservation Apprentice and Assistant
Margaret Watherston, Conservator,
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, N.Y.
1976-1977, Curatorial Assistant, Dept. Prints and Drawings
Assistant to Judith Goldman, Curator of Prints and Drawings
Whitney Museum of Art, New York, NY
Sept. 1982 – Aug. 1983, Intermuseum Laboratory
Intermuseum Conservation Association (ICA)
Third-year graduate internship in paper conservation
Summer 1982, Intermuseum Laboratory
Intermuseum Conservation Association (ICA)
Treatment of the Allen Art Museum’s 6th cent. A.D. Antioch Mosaic
Summer 1981, Delaware Art Museum
Wilmington, DE
1980 – 1983, Winterthur Museum/University of Delaware Art Conservation Program
Master of Science in Art Conservation, 1983
1978 – 1979, Hunter College, New York, N.Y.
Organic and physical chemistry in preparation for graduate conservation training.
1976, Helena Rubinstein Educational Fellowship in Museum Studies
Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch
New York, NY
1973 – 1976, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Bachelor of Arts in Art History
1. Co-author with Robert Lodge. “Removing Severe Distortions from a Pastel on Canvas.” The Paper Conservator, Vol. 10, 1988 The Institute of Paper Conservation, London, England.