ANNOUNCING: A new 5-Year GSA contract for the conservation of sculpture and architectural arts. Commences August 1, 2022. 2022-2027 U.S. General Services Administration - NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION ID/IQ Contract 47PM1122D0002 NTE: $16,009,998.00 (5 Year Total) NAICS Code 54130 (ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES)…
Graffiti Removal from a Marble Artwork
While public artworks grace our local communities, parks, and public spaces not all give them the respect they deserves. They can sometimes become a casualty of vandalism: spray-painted, broken, burned, or even completely destroyed. Marcin Pikus, Conservator of Stone Sculpture…
Russian to Restore an Icon
An icon can be defined as "a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration". Jesus Christ is such an icon for the Christian religion. In the Fall of 2020, a project to restore an…
Repairing Frames: A Simple Conservation Treatment of a Frame
Gilding and Frames Conservation; Objects Conservation: A frame can be used to complement, hang, or transport a two-dimensional work of art like paintings or works of art on paper. Frames can be ornate with intricate designs carved from wood which…
A Blizzard, a Meltdown, and a Shutdown, but a Successful Art Conservation Treatment Of Sculpture Reliefs
Architecture Features Conservation, Gilding and Frames Conservation: Every project faces challenges, but a recent trip to complete a conservation treatment of plaster, metal and stone relief sculptures in Albany, New York this January had more than its share: hauling scaffolding…
Woodward Opera House Paintings Restored
Paintings Conservation, Gliding and Frames Conservation: It ain't over til the....paintings are reinstalled in the opera house! McKay Lodge Conservation recently performed the art conservation treatment of two large paintings and their frames from the formerly closed Woodward Opera House…
Golden Sculpture Comes Home to Roost
Sculpture Conservation & Gilding Conservation: While this unusual sculpture conservation treatment was completed in 2014, it is not until now that we can report, with some confidence, its success. This is due to needing a period of years to determine…
Whitney Museum of Art’s Original Emblem – Conservation of Iselin’s Eagle
Sculpture Conservation: Tucked away, in a hidden courtyard behind the Dolley Madison House, and on the back wall of the adjacent Cosmos Club on Lafayette Square in Washington DC, is a real gem of a find: The Whitney Museum of…
Some Recent Paintings Conservation Cleveland and Columbus
Paintings Conservation: The paintings conservation section of the Cleveland area fine arts conservation center McKay Lodge Art Conservation Laboratory has had a heavy volume of paintings conservation projects from area museums and collectors over the past five years, particularly from…
The Eagles Have Landed! At the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium
During October 2016, McKay Lodge Conservation Lab restored the two flag poles on either side of the entrance to the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C. The poles were repainted white, the bronze pedestals cleaned and waxed and the…