2023-2028 U.S. General Services Administration – National
2022-2027 U.S. General Services Administration- NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION
ID/IQ Contract 47PM1122D0002
NTE: $16,009,998 5 Year Total
Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery Contract for Architecture, Sculpture, Monuments, Fountains and Architectural Arts Services Located in the U.S. National Capital Region. The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) awarded a five year contract to McKay Lodge Conservation Laboratory, Inc. for conservation services for architecture, sculpture, public art, fountains and architectural arts located throughout the National Capital Region. The Indefinite Delivery contract commencing January 7, 2019 has a not-to-exceed order value of thirteen million four hundred eighty one thousand dollars for the five year contract period. The National Capital Region (NCR) comprises federal property in Washington, DC and surrounding counties. This is the company’s second GSA National Capital Region contract. And it follows ten years of GSA contracts for similar conservation service provisions throughout the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands.
2019-2022 U.S. General Services Administration- NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION
ID/IQ Contract 47PM069D0001
NTE: $13,481,000.00 5 Year Total
Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery Contract for Architecture, Sculpture, Monuments, Fountains and Architectural Arts Services Located in the U.S. National Capital Region. The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) awarded a five year contract to McKay Lodge Conservation Laboratory, Inc. for conservation services for architecture, sculpture, public art, fountains and architectural arts located throughout the National Capital Region. The Indefinite Delivery contract commencing January 7, 2019 has a not-to-exceed order value of thirteen million four hundred eighty one thousand dollars for the five year contract period. The National Capital Region (NCR) comprises federal property in Washington, DC and surrounding counties. This is the company’s second GSA National Capital Region contract. And it follows ten years of GSA contracts for similar conservation service provisions throughout the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands.
2020-2025 U.S. General Services Administration- NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION
ID/IQ Contract 47PM069D0001
NTE: $13,481,000.00 5 Year Total
Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery Contract for Architecture, Sculpture, Monuments, Fountains and Architectural Arts Services Located in the U.S. National Capital Region. The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) awarded a five year contract to McKay Lodge Conservation Laboratory, Inc. for conservation services for architecture, sculpture, public art, fountains and architectural arts located throughout the National Capital Region. The Indefinite Delivery contract commencing January 7, 2019 has a not-to-exceed order value of thirteen million four hundred eighty one thousand dollars for the five year contract period. The National Capital Region (NCR) comprises federal property in Washington, DC and surrounding counties. This is the company’s second GSA National Capital Region contract. And it follows ten years of GSA contracts for similar conservation service provisions throughout the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands.
2019-2022 U.S. General Services Administration- NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION
ID/IQ Contract 47PM069D0001
NTE: $13,481,000.00 5 Year Total
Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery Contract for Architecture, Sculpture, Monuments, Fountains and Architectural Arts Services Located in the U.S. National Capital Region. The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) awarded a five year contract to McKay Lodge Conservation Laboratory, Inc. for conservation services for architecture, sculpture, public art, fountains and architectural arts located throughout the National Capital Region. The Indefinite Delivery contract commencing January 7, 2019 has a not-to-exceed order value of thirteen million four hundred eighty one thousand dollars for the five year contract period. The National Capital Region (NCR) comprises federal property in Washington, DC and surrounding counties. This is the company’s second GSA National Capital Region contract. And it follows ten years of GSA contracts for similar conservation service provisions throughout the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands.
2017-2022 U.S. General Services Administration – National
2011-2016 U.S. General Services Administration – National
(Extended into 2017 with contract ordered work to be completed into 2018)
ID/IQ Contract GS-00P-11-CZ-D-0003
NTE: $1,712,650.00 Annually
Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery Contract for outdoor sculpture, Public Art (Art-in Architecture), Architectural Features, Sculpture, Monuments and Fountains located in various Federally Owned and Leased Buildings in all the Geographic Regions of GSA Including Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands.
2010-2015 U.S. General Services Administration – National Capital Region
(Extended through 2016)
ID/IQ Contract GS-11P-10-YAD-0016
NTE: $14,800,000.00
Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery Contract for outdoor sculpture, Public Art (Art-in Architecture), Architecture, Sculpture, Monuments, Fountains and Architectural Arts Services Located in the U.S. National Capital Region. The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) awarded a five year contract to McKay Lodge Conservation Laboratory, Inc. for conservation services for Public Art (Art-in Architecture), architecture, sculpture, public art, fountains and architectural arts located throughout the National Capital Region. The Indefinite Delivery contract commencing December 15, 2010 has an annual not-to-exceed order value of fourteen million eight hundred thousand dollars for the five year contract period. The National Capital Region (NCR) comprises federal property in Washington, DC and surrounding counties. This is the company’s second GSA National Capital Region contract. And it follows ten years of GSA contracts for similar conservation service provisions throughout the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands.
2005-2010 U.S. General Services Administration – National
ID/IQ Contract GS-00P-05-CYD-0115 Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery Contract for outdoor sculpture, Public Art (Art-in Architecture), Sculpture, Monuments and Fountains located in various Federally Owned and Leased Buildings in all the Geographic Regions of GSA Including Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands.
2003-2009 U.S. General Services Administration– National Capitol Region
ID/IQ Contract GS11P03YAD0053 Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery Contract for outdoor sculpture, Public Art (Art-in Architecture), Sculpture, Monuments, Fountains and Architectural Elements located in the National Capitol Region of DC, Maryland and Virginia.
1997-2001 U.S. General Services Administration – National
ID/IQ Contract GS-11P-97-AQD-0001 Indefinite Quantity / Indefinite Delivery Contract for outdoor sculpture, Public Art (Art-in Architecture), Sculpture and Monuments located in various Federally Owned and Leased Buildings in all the Geographic Regions of GSA Including Alaska, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands.
2012-2011 National Cemetery Administration COTR
IDIQ Contract VA786A-P-0386 The National Cemetery Administration of the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) awarded a two year contract to McKay Lodge Conservation Laboratory, Inc. for “Final Inspection and Related COTR (Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative) Services for Monument and Memorial Repairs” throughout the contiguous United States. The contract commenced in October 2010. The work involves inspecting restorations and repairs to VA monuments, outdoor sculptures and memorials for contract compliance and the provision of technical advice for such work, largely involving stone.

National Park Service
2018 National Park Service, Vicksburg National Military Park
Contract 140O5218C0035 For reproductions of missing sword elements, reins, straps, etc. for: Pemberton, Ord, Davis, Foote, McClernand and Grant cast bronze statues. The entire process filmed for educational purposes.
2017 National Park Service, Biscayne National Park, Solicitation P17PS00380
Contract for Training NPS personnel for corrosion control practices of ferrous artifacts located on Florida Keys. Includes treatment of corroded cannon. National Park Service NPS, SER-South MABO 40001 SR 9336 Homestead, FL 33034
2010-2015 National Park Service Northeast Region IDIQ Contract for Architectural/Engineering Services
Contract D4526101003 NER- Acquisition Philadelphia Office, National Park Service McKay Lodge, Inc. was the contract team conservator under the project’s contract architect GWWO, Inc. of Baltimore, MD.[/vc_column_text]
2009 National Park Service Southeast Region
Award ID: INPP5400090003 Conservation of the Bronze and Marble Confederate Monument outdoor sculpture located at Fort Donelson National Battlefield.
2008 National Park Service, Vicksburg National Military Park
Order No. P5605080030 Condition Study of 22 Monuments and Outdoor Sculptures at Vicksburg National Military Park.
2008 National Park Service, Vicksburg National Military Park
Contract No. R5605080064 Maintenance of Monuments and Outdoor Sculptures at Vicksburg National Military Park.
2007 National Park Service, Vicksburg National Military Park
Contract No. C5600-07-0154 Conservation of 12 Monuments and Outdoor Sculptures at Vicksburg National Military Park.

Military Contracts
IDIQ Contract DABT43-02-D-0005 Conservation of collections and outdoor sculptures then at the Military History Institute, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA.
2012 U.S. Air Force, Chugach Support Services, Inc., Honolulu, HI
RFQ# WI 10-084 Wake Island Cultural Resource Restoration Consulting: Survey, Design and Training for the Stabilization of WWII Historic Features, Objects and Monuments on Wake Atoll. On December 31, 2010, McKay Lodge, Inc. president Robert Lodge completed his study for the preservation of historic U.S. Marine and Japanese World War II metal artifacts and concrete structures on tiny Wake Atoll in the Pacific area of Micronesia. Work began in September 2010 with a two week field survey to locate (and discover), and document structures and items strewn around the three islands that make up the tiny coral atoll and concluded with a materials and methodology prescription in a report for work to be carried out by civilian contractors on the atoll maintaining a U.S. Air Force base of operations there.